
Monday, March 14, 2011

Prefect Leadership CAmp 2011 Rawks Rowks and ROCKS! XD

Wow, this year the camp also very nice... but too bad no obstacle course, but at least got the thrilling river crossing XD

1st day

Arrival - Carry bags like orang gila into camping site. Then build camp lalala~

Intro - We did our intro as "best" as we could but it didn't turn out great. But Uni5 still chiong :) and did a little fixing about our slogan.

River crossing - at first the river was like children's pool like that, everyone ringan ringan, then at the back.... CLIMAX........ the water deepens and gains speed....... wooh... very Qi KEk..... XD

Station Games - Well, too much to say but, we didn't manage to finish this one... but nevermind ><

Ceramah - well, this might be the best ceramah I ever seen, the teacher was great, and I finally found out how standing up together at the same time was sooooo HARD...... >< TEAMWORK MUZ BE PRESENT!

Sleep then Nighttime guarding - arrgh, snore snore, guard guard, snore snore guard guard, what can i say? Snore? XD

2nd day

Exercise - 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 , snore........ Dont SLEEP! ......... 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 >.

Treasure hunt - this one we 99% finish but there's only one treasure and it was claimed bu Pega6...... Congrats to them but pity for us ><

Jungle Trekking - Wooo..... walk walk walk, CAREFUL OF TREE STEMS ! BE CAREFUL OF LEECHES........ and i fed a small leech to a big one.... then killed it >< sorry little leech >.<

Mlm Budaya - Also very nice... every team did their best....... the 2 most gan jiong d is The WonderBoys - sexy but disgusting XD and W.Zhen snr, the tradition of Form 4 ...... every year wear skirt d XDD

OBH (Operasi Burung Hantu) - I don't know what's happening but juz close our eyes, walk together and walk walk then sleep .......

Snoring........ oh btw, the other 4 teams no need to do nitetime guarding ..... yorr.. >.< no fair leh ><

Last day (3rd)

Exercise - same loh.......... 1 2 1 2 1 2 snore....... xD

watch slideshow - a lot of funny pictures and videos......... XDDD

Ceremony - speeches then gifts, congrats to Z.Ru snr ( best girl ).... & me >< (best boy) surprise dio ><

then Uni5!!! (best earning group$$$ ) .... Pega6 ( fastest in treasure hunt) and Tar3 (***best group***)

then set home..... sleep.......... bath........... sleep xDD

Next year d camp........... I DIE ALSO MUST GO!!! XD


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